The Meaning of Proverbs 4:23 to you as a Christian

The Meaning of Proverbs 4:23

The Bible is a book of wisdom that God uses to show us how to live our lives. In it, you will find the book of Proverbs which shows you the right way to deal with the various situations in your life 🙏🏻. To help you master the art of godly living, there are numerous study guides on the Proverbs available to further your wisdom.

proverbs 4 23 explained

It shows you how to interact with others, whether they are easy to get along with or difficult. Proverbs 4:23 is a simple verse but with a profound message that guides your heart and helps you live a victorious life. 

This article will focus on the meaning of Proverbs 4:23, the writer of the verse, and how to guard your heart according to the Bible. 

1) Who Wrote Proverbs 4:23?

King Solomon wrote Proverbs 4:23. It is a continuation from Proverbs 1, which starts with the introduction, “The Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David, King of Israel.” 🇮🇱 Solomon was a man of great wisdom and is the wisest man who ever lived. He got his wisdom through a dream encounter with God, who asked him what he wanted.

king solomon

He said he wanted the wisdom to know how to rule the people of God (1 Kings 3:9). Solomon got his request and great wealth too. He had three thousand proverbs to his name (1 Kings 4:32), and we read many of them in the book of Proverbs 📜.

2) Proverbs 4:23 in the Bible

A. Proverbs 4:23 in the NIV Bible Version

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
Proverbs 4:23 NIV

“Above all else, guard your heart” Meaning:

The NIV Bible starts the verse with, “Above all else, guard your heart.” This part of the verse emphasizes that one is to keep guard over the entrance of their heart. This entrance is the doorway through which things get in and out of the heart 🛡.

guard your heart

We are to guard our hearts against what comes in and only allow that which builds us up. What corrupts our hearts is to stay out.

Corruption comes through what we watch, listen to, do, and sins we commit. If we let in ungodly things, we become ungodly. If we let in godly things, we become more godly 👼.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23

We guard our hearts because good and evil find their way into them and come out through our mouths. Jesus said that what comes out of our hearts is what defiles us:

He went on: “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly."
Mark 7:20-22

As Christians, we are to read and meditate on God’s word so that it can dwell in our hearts ❤.

proverbs kjv

When your heart is full of God’s word, you are storing good things and protecting yourself against false doctrine. Putting a guard in the doorway of your heart is a way of protecting yourself from deception, heartbreak and limiting beliefs that steal the joy from your life ⚔️.

“For everything you do flows from it” Meaning:

Your actions come from the things you think and believe. If you have the right beliefs in your heart, your actions will be life-giving, and you will move in the right direction. When your heart is right and pure, you can obey God’s word and apply it in your life 🙂.

proverbs 4 23 guard your heart

If your heart is impure, you will do things with the wrong motives. When you guard your heart, it is possible to keep away from the perverse talk, focus on walking the right path, and allow God to direct your steps and keep your feet from evil 🤜🏻😈.

"Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil."
Proverbs 4:24-27


The fullness of your heart determines your actions and the course of your life. What you say over your life depends on what is in your heart. The power of life and death are in your tongue, which speaks out of the abundance of the heart.

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."
Proverbs 18:21

B. Proverbs 4:23 in the KJV Bible

"Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."
Proverbs 4:23 KJV

“Keep thy heart with all diligence” Meaning:

⚠️ This phrase instructs you to carefully watch over your heart. Constantly monitor what is in your heart and eliminate what is not godly. The word of God will help you know what belongs in your heart and what doesn’t. You are to carefully weigh your heart at all times to ensure it remains pure.

keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life

This calls for vigilance and allowing God to search your heart and show you if there is any evil in it. Through prayer and reading your Bible, you’ll be able to keep a rein on your heart

“For out of it are the issues of life” Meaning:

Your heart is your life because your life is directed by what is in your heart. Keeping your heart with diligence will mean you only allow into it what will help you become more godly, loving, confident, and will help you grow ✨.

for out of it are the issues of life proverbs 4 23

The heart has the issues or details of your life and that is why it is hard to live a joyful life with a broken heart 💔. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted so that we can live a full life. Even where bad things happen to us, we can guard our hearts by focusing on what God says about our lives. 



3) How To Guard Your Heart according to the Bible?

The Bible is the word of God and when you plant it in your heart, it produces a harvest of righteousness. The quantity and quality of the harvest depend on the condition of your heart 🌱.

"But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
Matthew 13:23


🤓 Read scriptures and meditate on God’s word so that it can transform your heart and make you more Christlike. These insightful study guides on the Proverbs are a good place to start to further your wisdom. Your thoughts and actions are to align with those of Christ. God’s word has the power to heal your heart, strengthen it, fill you with wisdom, and direct your steps. 

God’s word will remove wrong beliefs and thought patterns that can leave you stuck in life. It will remove idols in your heart so that you can have continual fellowship with God. The word of God will purify your heart and you can act out of a clear conscience.


God gives you promises in the Bible which will show you how to live a righteous life and guard your life 🛡. 

"I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life."
Psalm 119:93


Read next: The wisdom in Proverbs 3:5-6 is necessary for every situation you face in lifePeople often quote them as a way of trusting God when things are tough. They are a source of comfort when a person is going through a situation they don’t understand. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths".
Meaning of Proverbs 3:5-6

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  • Gorame Momo on

    My heart is broken because I lost my husband, the Love of my life 3 weeks ago,
    Thank you for sharing the word. I am asking God to make me strong and to bury God’s Word in my heart. Thank you for the encouragement through the word.

  • Naomie on

    This is so beautiful 🤍 the word of god is amazing

  • rhianna on

    This is powerful and beautiful. Thank you for building people up.

  • Arnold Rawit on

    Purihin ang Panginong Diyos! Maraming salamat po sa inyo.. Malaking tulong po ito sa akin at sa mga taong aking tinuturuan sa church.. Naway ang Pagpapala at Karunungan ng Diyos ay sumainyo sa lahat ng Panahon!

  • Pearl Busisiwe Kunene on

    Powerful message its an eye opener

  • Tshepang Mbuyisa on

    Thank you so much for dissecting the word with such diligence.
    Totally refreshing 🙂

  • Suzana Chambi on

    I love this message

  • Steven Hastings on

    May God continue to inspire you to share his Words.

  • Ronnie February 3, 2023 on

    Kayla I really enjoy reading this what a blessing !!! May The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God continue to bless You in His Word Amen !!!

  • Gabriel July on

    Good teacher of the word of God.May God give you long life.

  • Lorna January 6, 2023 on

    Thanks Kayla,
    The simple yet profound way in which you explained the scriptures makes me hungry for more. It makes me desire to delight myself more in the WORD. May the Lord continue to use you to feed His sheep. God’s blessings always to you and your ‘little family.’

  • Darian on

    Wow, I was looking for exposition on prov 4:23 & boy howdy did I find it. This was a practical guide, wholistic & contextual.

  • Cynthia on

    Am blessed,may God inspire u and enlighten ur eyes🙏

  • Mbakwe Chris on

    Educative to a very high extent. Detailed explanations on the subject matter. Brought the teaching down to the lowest cadre in such a way that everybody understands, assimilates, digests and flows with the teaching. More grace and greater glory in Jesus most precious name!

  • Godwin Mgwena on

    God bless you madam.
    From East Africa (Tanzania)

  • Julie on

    Thanks for sharing and pouring out a powerful tool. Breaking the verses to irreducible minimum. Thanks again and God bless. I can also use the knowledge to spread the word.

  • Epeli Qasenivuli on

    Hi!it’s a blessing to be taught with God’s word..implanting joy,happiness and peace. Let be all well and enjoined in faith with God and Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

  • Jordan maram on

    I want to read Gods word with some explanation like todays portion proverb 4.23 with full details and it made me more understand..but cant effort to buy like commentary books…looking for someone who can help me haved commentary books for study.

  • Corinne on

    Thank you. I needed to read more on guarding the heart. Always seem to be prone to infatuations which never seem to work out. I guess fantasy does not work for very long! It is no joke and I can attribute so much mental agony with it. I guess it is unrealistic to see people as I want or need to see them. This has been a problem for me too long. I say because I’m an artist I love beautiful things. I know God created beauty to be enjoyed by us. I’m so lonely and when I try to be friends with the good women in church I realize they are married and I dont want to interfere with this. I feel bad by comparison to everyone it seems. Thank you.

  • Christy Banda on

    Thank you for explaining . am really learning a lot .Feeling grateful with your teaching
    GOD bless you

  • Margaret on

    I am on a quest to recommit my life to Christ and was lead to this website this morning after coming across it scribbled in my journal from a year ago. Thank you for the clarity and precision of your explanation. Having now identified what my heart needs, I believe I will be able to discover how to set it free. God bless you.

  • Racquel Lenise Rousseau on

    Good morning
    I sat down to have my quiet time with YHWH and i wanted to read up on what happens in the atmosphere when the principalities of evil hampers our prayers – ref: Michael the Arch Angel…. so i stumble upon this page. I Love it and i am going to use the reading and scripture ref and make it into a small palm book my own word ( a booklet that fits into my children’s hands so they can read and ponder upon it daily.
    I bless you in Jesus’ name


  • ES Yabu on

    Thank you for breaking down the verse so well and practical. The explanations and references to other scripture have helped me to undersrand God’s Word and form prayer points. I needed this at a time like this. God bless you and continue using you.

  • Joseph on

    Thanks alot



  • Worthy on

    This break down to Proverbs 4:23 is very good with perfect understanding as to how one needs to guard their heart ❤️ thank you🙏🏾

  • Philip on

    This message is directly speaking to me.
    I gleaned so much information on my own as I read.
    Let the Lord keep blessing you always 🙏🏿

  • Susie Smith Offenbacker on

    Great words. Thank you. Do you have a book Yet ?

  • Great Grace 💗 on

    Wonderful piece, I got a enough lessons and I’m happy to share with others.
    Copying some vital points.

  • Pastor Bobbie Miller on

    Thank you sweet Kayla. My mother has severe dementia, and this word has inspired me tonight. I just want to thank you. Saying a prayer now for you and your family.

  • Zziwa Richards on

    I happy for this great me

  • Olajumoke Adenekan on

    Love it and generate a poet out of the word. Thank you.

  • Mosese satoki on

    It really touch my heart how you interpret this scripture and i really believe in it
    Thank you so much for sharing god word

  • Leonard Sello on

    Hallelujah ,I am so impressed with your writing, the inspiration of Holly spirit, please send me more.

  • Charlene on

    Indeed the literature was edifying for my soul, God continue to bless you.

  • Keeartris Love on

    Perfect and right on time for my life. May the lord continue to bless you.

  • Joanna on

    Just what I needed to read at this time perfect thank you. Very important.

  • Kmwanza on

    Good anylsis for word of God

  • Roberta on

    Very inspiring especially guarding our hearts helps us live a righteous life. Our thoughts and actions are ordered by God.

  • Sha on

    My heart was in pain.. This encouraged me to understand how I got here

  • James Morris on

    This helps me when I self examining myself rid the things from me that make me sin even just in my heart, A person could work hard for a long time on this teaching of proverbs

  • Linda Hicks on

    Proverbs 4:23. Has been one of my favorite verses. Thank you..I enjoyed reading this. Such a blessing


    Have really been encouraged and enlightened by the level of explanation on the verse Proverbs 4 vs 23,I feel motivated and geared in preserving and taking guard of my heart with the things i come across in the journey of life.

  • Maria Malatji on

    Thank you for the inspiring message .This is the secrete the Enemy doesn’t want us to know ‘that we need to guard our hearts above all’ as it is a doorway to our spirits.

  • Bai S on

    Very powerful… great exposition 🙏 . Thank you for the wisdom ❤️

  • Lourdes Pintado on

    Praise God for His word timely word.

  • Vanessa P on

    Thanks for the insights, I really need to wake up and start reading the scriptures more especially for the sake of wisdom. God bless you abundantly

  • Angela Clark on

    Thank God for the word of wisdom today the heart God knows I needed this morning thank you so much for Proverbs 4:23

  • Liezel on

    Words of wisdom. To everyone out there – The Lord is our friend – just trust in Him, be obedient & read, meditate on His word.

  • Lanre Eniola Collins on

    Thanks for the word of knowledge. Am blessed. More anointing

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  • Gorame Momo on

    My heart is broken because I lost my husband, the Love of my life 3 weeks ago,
    Thank you for sharing the word. I am asking God to make me strong and to bury God’s Word in my heart. Thank you for the encouragement through the word.

  • Naomie on

    This is so beautiful 🤍 the word of god is amazing

  • rhianna on

    This is powerful and beautiful. Thank you for building people up.

  • Arnold Rawit on

    Purihin ang Panginong Diyos! Maraming salamat po sa inyo.. Malaking tulong po ito sa akin at sa mga taong aking tinuturuan sa church.. Naway ang Pagpapala at Karunungan ng Diyos ay sumainyo sa lahat ng Panahon!

  • Pearl Busisiwe Kunene on

    Powerful message its an eye opener

  • Tshepang Mbuyisa on

    Thank you so much for dissecting the word with such diligence.
    Totally refreshing 🙂

  • Suzana Chambi on

    I love this message

  • Steven Hastings on

    May God continue to inspire you to share his Words.

  • Ronnie February 3, 2023 on

    Kayla I really enjoy reading this what a blessing !!! May The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God continue to bless You in His Word Amen !!!

  • Gabriel July on

    Good teacher of the word of God.May God give you long life.

  • Lorna January 6, 2023 on

    Thanks Kayla,
    The simple yet profound way in which you explained the scriptures makes me hungry for more. It makes me desire to delight myself more in the WORD. May the Lord continue to use you to feed His sheep. God’s blessings always to you and your ‘little family.’

  • Darian on

    Wow, I was looking for exposition on prov 4:23 & boy howdy did I find it. This was a practical guide, wholistic & contextual.

  • Cynthia on

    Am blessed,may God inspire u and enlighten ur eyes🙏

  • Mbakwe Chris on

    Educative to a very high extent. Detailed explanations on the subject matter. Brought the teaching down to the lowest cadre in such a way that everybody understands, assimilates, digests and flows with the teaching. More grace and greater glory in Jesus most precious name!

  • Godwin Mgwena on

    God bless you madam.
    From East Africa (Tanzania)

  • Julie on

    Thanks for sharing and pouring out a powerful tool. Breaking the verses to irreducible minimum. Thanks again and God bless. I can also use the knowledge to spread the word.

  • Epeli Qasenivuli on

    Hi!it’s a blessing to be taught with God’s word..implanting joy,happiness and peace. Let be all well and enjoined in faith with God and Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

  • Jordan maram on

    I want to read Gods word with some explanation like todays portion proverb 4.23 with full details and it made me more understand..but cant effort to buy like commentary books…looking for someone who can help me haved commentary books for study.

  • Corinne on

    Thank you. I needed to read more on guarding the heart. Always seem to be prone to infatuations which never seem to work out. I guess fantasy does not work for very long! It is no joke and I can attribute so much mental agony with it. I guess it is unrealistic to see people as I want or need to see them. This has been a problem for me too long. I say because I’m an artist I love beautiful things. I know God created beauty to be enjoyed by us. I’m so lonely and when I try to be friends with the good women in church I realize they are married and I dont want to interfere with this. I feel bad by comparison to everyone it seems. Thank you.

  • Christy Banda on

    Thank you for explaining . am really learning a lot .Feeling grateful with your teaching
    GOD bless you

  • Margaret on

    I am on a quest to recommit my life to Christ and was lead to this website this morning after coming across it scribbled in my journal from a year ago. Thank you for the clarity and precision of your explanation. Having now identified what my heart needs, I believe I will be able to discover how to set it free. God bless you.

  • Racquel Lenise Rousseau on

    Good morning
    I sat down to have my quiet time with YHWH and i wanted to read up on what happens in the atmosphere when the principalities of evil hampers our prayers – ref: Michael the Arch Angel…. so i stumble upon this page. I Love it and i am going to use the reading and scripture ref and make it into a small palm book my own word ( a booklet that fits into my children’s hands so they can read and ponder upon it daily.
    I bless you in Jesus’ name


  • ES Yabu on

    Thank you for breaking down the verse so well and practical. The explanations and references to other scripture have helped me to undersrand God’s Word and form prayer points. I needed this at a time like this. God bless you and continue using you.

  • Joseph on

    Thanks alot



  • Worthy on

    This break down to Proverbs 4:23 is very good with perfect understanding as to how one needs to guard their heart ❤️ thank you🙏🏾

  • Philip on

    This message is directly speaking to me.
    I gleaned so much information on my own as I read.
    Let the Lord keep blessing you always 🙏🏿

  • Susie Smith Offenbacker on

    Great words. Thank you. Do you have a book Yet ?

  • Great Grace 💗 on

    Wonderful piece, I got a enough lessons and I’m happy to share with others.
    Copying some vital points.

  • Pastor Bobbie Miller on

    Thank you sweet Kayla. My mother has severe dementia, and this word has inspired me tonight. I just want to thank you. Saying a prayer now for you and your family.

  • Zziwa Richards on

    I happy for this great me

  • Olajumoke Adenekan on

    Love it and generate a poet out of the word. Thank you.

  • Mosese satoki on

    It really touch my heart how you interpret this scripture and i really believe in it
    Thank you so much for sharing god word

  • Leonard Sello on

    Hallelujah ,I am so impressed with your writing, the inspiration of Holly spirit, please send me more.

  • Charlene on

    Indeed the literature was edifying for my soul, God continue to bless you.

  • Keeartris Love on

    Perfect and right on time for my life. May the lord continue to bless you.

  • Joanna on

    Just what I needed to read at this time perfect thank you. Very important.

  • Kmwanza on

    Good anylsis for word of God

  • Roberta on

    Very inspiring especially guarding our hearts helps us live a righteous life. Our thoughts and actions are ordered by God.

  • Sha on

    My heart was in pain.. This encouraged me to understand how I got here

  • James Morris on

    This helps me when I self examining myself rid the things from me that make me sin even just in my heart, A person could work hard for a long time on this teaching of proverbs

  • Linda Hicks on

    Proverbs 4:23. Has been one of my favorite verses. Thank you..I enjoyed reading this. Such a blessing


    Have really been encouraged and enlightened by the level of explanation on the verse Proverbs 4 vs 23,I feel motivated and geared in preserving and taking guard of my heart with the things i come across in the journey of life.

  • Maria Malatji on

    Thank you for the inspiring message .This is the secrete the Enemy doesn’t want us to know ‘that we need to guard our hearts above all’ as it is a doorway to our spirits.

  • Bai S on

    Very powerful… great exposition 🙏 . Thank you for the wisdom ❤️

  • Lourdes Pintado on

    Praise God for His word timely word.

  • Vanessa P on

    Thanks for the insights, I really need to wake up and start reading the scriptures more especially for the sake of wisdom. God bless you abundantly

  • Angela Clark on

    Thank God for the word of wisdom today the heart God knows I needed this morning thank you so much for Proverbs 4:23

  • Liezel on

    Words of wisdom. To everyone out there – The Lord is our friend – just trust in Him, be obedient & read, meditate on His word.

  • Lanre Eniola Collins on

    Thanks for the word of knowledge. Am blessed. More anointing

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