A Complete Guide to Wholesale Christian Gift Ideas

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The act of gift giving is a behavior that dates back to the beginnings of human social interaction. Gifts are a visible symbol of goodwill, a sign that we appreciate others, a sign of friendship, a symbol of trust and connection. Faith, gratitude and generosity are inherent in the Christian tradition of gift giving. God is the supreme giver of gifts and when we give gifts in a spirit of humility and generosity we are doing God’s will.
‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.’ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
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What makes a Christian gift different?

A Christian gift is an assertion of faith, it is not merely an ornament, it is a tool with which to strengthen faith. It may be that the gift is a practical aid to help you on your spiritual journey, such as a prayer or gratitude journal or it may be an item of clothing which proclaims your faith to all, or a small item of jewelry or a figurine which serves as a personal reminder of God’s love and protection. Many Christian gifts will feature a cross or crucifix, reminding us of the defining event of our faith: Christ’s suffering, his death and resurrection given to us for the redemption of our sins and the life to come. The Romans used the cross as a form of public humiliation and execution. Our Lord transformed it into a symbol of love and redemption. Christians choose to wear the cross or crucifix as a sign that they are a follower of Christ and as a sign of respect, hope and salvation. A crucifix is a cross that bears the body of Christ. It is the most powerful reminder of the sacrifice and suffering which Jesus endured for the salvation of all.
‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’ Luke 9:23
Central as the image of the cross is to our faith, it did not become so until the 5th century after the crucifixion of our Lord. Early Christians had to keep their faith secret and chose signs which only other Christians would recognize, such as the monogram XP, the first two letters of Christ in ancient Greek, or the symbol of the fish I CH TH YS, the five letters of which each represented a word associated with Jesus. In recent times, both these symbols have reappeared as symbols of Christian faith and can be found adorning a variety of Christian gifts.
In addition to the cross, crucifix or fish, Christian gifts can also be adorned with inspiring Bible verses or affirmations of faith. In some cultures figurines of saints or the Virgin Mary are also popular Christian gifts.
Christian Bracelets

Bracelets are one of the oldest forms of jewelry, the ancient Egyptians were certainly wearing them as far back as 5000 B.C. and the Bible contains many references to the giving of bracelets. A bracelet can be a symbol of a personal relationship with someone; for example, when she became queen, Esther was given a golden bracelet by her husband King Ahasuerus. It can also be a symbol of an individual’s relationship with God. Exodus 28:9-12 tells of how Aaron, brother of Moses, was directed by God to wear a golden bracelet on his right hand as a sign of his priesthood and that the bracelet should be inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. For the Christian, a Christian bracelet is a constant reminder of God’s love for us and his protection of us. In Deuteronomy 6:8 we are instructed to bind God’s commandments ‘as a sign on your hand’.
A Christian bracelet is an excellent choice if you are looking to order a bulk buy from your supplier, it’s a small gift, which is easy to ship, but the power of it’s symbolism can have a lasting and transformative impact on the faith of the recipient. A Christian bracelet is a constant reminder to the wearer of God’s love and a sign to others of the wearer’s Christian faith, a visual symbol that spreads the word of God.
Christian Rings
If you are looking for Christian gifts that you can buy in bulk from your supplier, then Christian rings are, like Christian bracelets or necklaces, a gift that has a long tradition within Christianity. Throughout history rings have been worn as symbols of allegiance or responsibility.
‘So Pharaoh said to Joseph “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.” Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck.’ Genesis 41:41-43
In the parable of the return of the prodigal son, the gift of a ring is used to symbolize favor and dignity.
‘But the father said to his servants, “Quick. Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.” ‘ Luke 15:22
Today we consider rings an integral part of the Christian wedding ceremony but there is no mention of them in the Bible and they were not used by Christians until about 800 A.D. Christian rings, which you can buy in bulk from your supplier, will often bear the image of the cross, a representation of Christ or a word or phrase from scripture.
Christian Necklaces
The Bible has many references to the giving of jewelry and although the Bible frequently reminds us that beauty comes from within, jewelry can also serve to remind us of God’s love and proclaim our faith to all.
‘And I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head.’ Ezekial 16: 11-22
In this passage, the relationship of God to His people is shown as that of an attentive husband to his wife, the jewelry is given as a gift and a blessing, and is only removed when sin and pride enter the hearts of his people. In Exodus God instructed the Israelites to wear necklaces to remind them of their obedience to Him. The necklaces were known as ‘phylacteries’, they contained verses from the scripture and served as a sign of the individual’s devotion to God.
Today, Christian necklaces, which are available to bulk-buy for both men and women, most frequently feature the cross and serve as a powerful way to declare your faith to the world.
Other Christian Jewelry
Whilst bracelets, rings and necklaces are traditional items of Christian jewelry there are also more modern items of Christian jewelry that are available to bulk-buy. Earrings are a small, highly personal gift, they are not as obviously visible as a necklace or bracelet but they can still serve as an affirmation of faith, albeit a discrete one. Charm bracelets were worn by the Babylonians from about 600 B.C. , but it is only in recent decades that they have once again become popular. Christian charm bracelets carry exclusively Christian symbols and serve as a visual and sensory reminder of faith. Jewelry boxes, decorated with a cross or other Christian symbol, have long been used by Christians; they remind us that the jewelry that we wear is a celebration of faith, not a celebration of personal vanity. Cuff links and watches, which feature Christian symbols, are comparatively recent additions to the variety of Christian jewelry, which is available to purchase in bulk, but as with other forms of jewelry they can serve as a daily affirmation of faith for the recipient of the gift.
Christian Stationery
Buying Christian stationery wholesale is an excellent, inexpensive, way to gift Christians something which they will use every day and which will help them on their spiritual journey. The gift of a Christian journal or planner will help the recipient keep God at the forefront of their minds in all that they do. Christian journals are an excellent way to track prayer and Bible study, because they enable the user to look back and reflect on how God is at work in all that they do.
Other Christian Gifts
There are now available a wide range of Christian themed gifts which can be purchased in bulk from reputable suppliers. A gift of Christian themed apparel is perhaps not for everyone, because it is a forceful and direct public statement of faith which some individuals may find challenging, but for those with the confidence to wear them, Christian themed T shirts, hats or jackets make great bulk buy gifts. There is also a wide range of Christian themed home ware such as Bible verse wall art, lamps and pillow covers. Or how about a Christian themed car accessory to remind you that the Lord is always with you?