10 Best Christian Books for Teenagers

In a world dominated by social media and T.V. screens, getting youngsters to read can be a real problem. The books here have been selected because they’ve proven successful at catching the imagination of Christian teens. Some of the books listed here are workbooks and serve as an introduction to Bible study, prayer and the Christian life and others are fiction. Fiction is never just entertainment, it carries messages and those messages can be good or bad. Bad fiction corrupts and leads us astray. Good fiction enables us to experience lives different from our own and to confront difficult ideas and issues in the safety of a fictional world. Fiction is not a substitute for living but it can serve to enrich our experience and understanding. As Christians, we want the young people in our care to make the right choices and follow a righteous path; Christian fiction, written specifically with teenagers in mind, can be a great resource for helping young people through that challenging transition to an adult Christian life. Of course great fiction speaks to us all and there are a number of books here that have garnered enthusiastic reviews from much older readers than the audience for which they were originally intended.
1) The Power of a Praying Teen by Stormie Omartian

Stormie Omartian is the best selling author of ‘The Power of Praying’ series, which has sold over 32 million copies around the world. Stormie is a Christian writer whose work is enriched by experience: the experience as a victim of child abuse; the experience of raising her own children to adulthood. This book about prayer for teenagers includes verses from scripture and real life stories of teen struggles.It deals with issues such as friendship, self image, peer pressure and insecurity and each section concludes with a prayer that teens can use to model their own prayers. This book confronts harsh reality in a supportive and responsible way but it does not shy away from topics such as depression, suicide and even murder. View on Amazon
2) Battlefield of the Mind for Teens: Winning the Battle in Your Mind by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer is the author of over 100 books, which have been translated into over 100 languages and have a readership of over 12 million. She is also known to millions via her radio and T.V. shows and numerous film and T.V. projects. Described by readers as a ‘must have book’ her teen friendly guidebook offers both Biblical truths and practical advice and features chapters on six negative states of mind. ‘A believer who has a passive mind, who does not resist wrong thoughts, often takes them as his own thoughts. He doesn’t realize that the evil spirits/demons have injected them into his mind because there was an empty space to fill.’ View on Amazon
3) 5-Minute Devotions for Teens: A Guide to God and Mental Health by Laura L. Smith

Laura L Smith, best selling author, speaker and Bible teacher says of her work: ‘I am amazed and in awe that God has created me to write. I know this and believe this with all my heart.’
Short, sweet and effective, this 100 day devotional, helps teens ‘develop an authentic relationship with God and deepen their faith.’ Each page long devotional begins with a scripture and ends with a prayer and helps Christian teens cope with issues such as depression, anxiety and relationships. As well as providing tips on meditation, avoiding social media and using affirmations, there is a sustained focus on feeling good about yourself and feeling loved by God. View on Amazon
4) Christian Activity Book for Teens Volume 1 by Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith is the author of a wide range of Christian activity books for teens and this is volume 1 of a 5 volume sequence. There are literally hours of worthwhile entertainment for the Christian teenager within these pages, in the form of word searches, coloring pages and memory verses, as well as lined pages for rewriting memory verses. The activity book references both Old and New Testaments and covers topics such as the life of Solomon, Churches of Revelation and the Sermon on the Mount. View on Amazon
5) This Dreamer by Sara Watterson

This is a first novel from Sara Watterson who is a High School digital art teacher, virtual assistant for other Christian writers and member of the American Christian Fiction Writers Association. The novel is the first in a sequence entitled ‘The Chronicles of the Marked’, described by the author as ‘clean books for teens and tweens, sharing positive messages of purpose, friendship, family and forgiveness.’ Inspired by the Old Testament story of Joseph and his dreams, ‘This Dreamer’ is a Christian fantasy for girls and boys, full of adventure, action, mystery and romance. Evie and Adan head up a cast of believable characters in this exciting and pacey story which has received enthusiastic reviews from readers. View on Amazon
6) The Blessing Effect by Robert K. Pozil

Robert K Pozil’s first novel has a big ambition: ‘to encourage each of us to change the world…one soul and one heart at a time.’ When sophomore Zack Towers decides to try and help the troubled Joel, an angel appears and Zack discovers that the power of the ‘Blessing Effect’ can change the world. Fast paced, action packed and inspirational this novel is about love, care, inclusion and the power of the holy spirit. View on Amazon
7) The Ball and the Cross by G.K. Chesterton

First published in America in 1908, this book is as entertaining and relevant today as it was when it first came out. G.K. Chesterton, sometimes nicknamed ‘the prince of paradox’ is one of the 20th century’s most important writers of Christian fiction, best known for his Father Brown stories. ‘The Ball and the Cross’ tells the absurd and highly entertaining story of an escalating argument between two Scots, a Roman Catholic and an atheist. Full of sparkling humor and whimsy, this laugh out loud and highly unusual story also manages to be deeply profound. Not perhaps such an easy read as some of the other books on this list, reviewers attest to the enthusiasm with which older, literate Christian teens have taken to this book. View on Amazon
8) The Chase by Bradley Caffee

Bradley Caffee ‘trained for vocational ministry through the Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary, before spending 12 years in the pastorate.’ ‘The Chase’, his first novel, is the opening volume of the three book ‘Chase Runners Series’. This Science Fiction for Christian teens is set in a vividly imagined post apocalyptic future, where ‘big moral decisions are not easily made or easily carried out.’ View on Amazon
9) Something I am Not by Cher Gatto

Another first novel, this powerful narrative, for mature Christian teens, is based on the author’s experiences of working with abused young women. Seventeen year old Billy McQueen yearns to escape from the corrupt world of his father’s boxing club, but on his eighteenth birthday he meets a younger brother who he never knew he had. Told with tact and discretion, this is a story of human trafficking and physical and sexual abuse. This riveting and emotional tale has made a powerful impact on its readers. Described as ‘a beautiful work of Christian fiction’, many readers found that the book ‘gives hope and demonstrates how each of us can play a role in making a difference in helping one another.’ View on Amazon
10) Greyson Gray: Camp Legend by B C Tweedt

The first volume in the ‘Greyson Grey Series’ is described, on its cover, as a ‘high octane thrill fest’. Twelve year old Greyson Grey is a hero who ‘dares do what is right’.When he stumbles on a terrorist plot while at summer camp, the stage is set for adventure, hilarity and romance. Aimed at an audience of 9-12 year olds, this is a lively, pacey, easy read, in teen friendly language. View on Amazon
Top 3 Christian Books For Teenage Girls
1) The Girl Who Looked Beyond The Stars by L B Anne

2) Rising Above: Teen Devotional for Girls: Prayers and Activities to Help Manage Anxiety by Khia Glover

3) Fade to White by Tara K Ross

Top 3 Christian Books For Teenage Boys
1) Blaze by Hope Bolinger

2) Revealed: Discovering Your True Identity in Christ for Teen Boys and Young Men by Alex Kendrick, Stephen Kendrick and Troy Schmidt

3) Sports Shorts: 52 Stories of Faith from All-Star Believers by Del Duduit