The Meaning of Psalm 46:10 to you as a child of God

Psalm 46:10 is a Bible verse we usually refer to when we want to “still” ourselves and listen to God. It is a verse we generally accept as a pep talk to the soul, asking it to be quiet in the presence of the Lord. Is this what does Psalm 46:10 mean ? 🤔
To get the most from the Scriptures, it’s important to read them in context. When you read Psalm 46:10 within the context of the whole Psalm, you begin to see the real meaning emerge. When you take the verse out of context, you will misinterpret it and you won't get God’s intended meaning. 🤚 These study guides on the Psalms are an excellent place to start if you're interested in furthering your knowledge and insight.
explanation of Psalm 46 verse 10, let us see who wrote it.
1) Who Wrote Psalm 46:10 ?
The Sons of Korah wrote Psalm 46 where you find the famous verse 10. Their father was Korah, who was a descendant of Levi the son of Jacob (Numbers 16:1). They were Levites from the Kohath family (Genesis 46:11).
We know people sang Psalm 46 because the Bible says it was for the attention of the “Chief Musician.” The Psalm must have been important to be given to the chief of the musicians instead of any ordinary musician. 🎶
Charles Spurgeon said in the Treasury of David that “Trifles may be left to commoner songsters, but the most skillful musician in Israel must be charged with the due performance of this song, with the most harmonious voices and choicest music.”
The title of Psalm 46 reads, “A Song for Alamoth.” This implied that the music had to have a high pitch for the treble or soprano voices of the Hebrew virgins. 1 Chronicles 15:20 shows that “alamoth” was a musical term.
Zechariah, Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Maaseiah and Benaiah were to play the lyres according to alamoth.
2) What Is The Meaning of Psalm 46:10 ?
He says,
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
If you want to understand the meaning of Psalm 46:10, you have to look at it within the context of the whole of Psalm 46.
A. The Context of Psalm 46
The writer of Psalm 46 is saying that God is our refuge in times of trouble. God is ready to help us in the present moment and we can place our trust in Him. There is no need to fear no matter what happens around us or on the earth. He stands as the helper of His people in natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, or war. 🌩
The theme of Psalm 46 is the greatness of God and His power to deliver us from things that are beyond our abilities. The writer of the Psalm wants people to understand that it doesn’t matter what we face in life, God is greater. The greater the things we face in life, the less we can deal with them. We are to stop fighting in our strength and allow God to take His rightful place as Savior and deliverer. 🙏
Psalm 46:10 is a direct command from God to stop our futile efforts in dealing with things that are His domain. He asks us to put down our weapons of war and stand in awe of Him and His mighty power. As God, He is sovereign, faithful, omnipotent and unfailing. When all nations of the world see the power of God, they will exalt and honor Him as the one true God.
We are to stop fighting in our strength and surrender to Him who will help us fight our battles. Our human strength cannot match God’s, and it is futile to fight when we would rather leave the matter in God’s hands. 🤲
Let us look at how different Bible versions bring out the meaning of Psalm 46:10.
3) Bible Verse Of Psalm 46:10
A. Psalm 46:10 ESV Bible
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”
In the ESV Bible version, God issues a command for all people to be still and know He is God. Knowing God means acknowledging His mighty power and His ability to save His people from whatever danger they are facing. They, however, need to move aside and let Him take His rightful place as God.
God is also making a declaration in the second half of this verse. Nations of the earth will exalt Him as the mighty God who is above all and who we cannot compare to any other god. His power is unmatched and unrivaled and the whole earth will know this by His deeds.
B. Psalm 46:10 CSB Bible
“Stop your fighting, and know that I am God, exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.”
The CSB version of the Bible says, “Stop your fighting,” and we see that it does not mean being quiet and waiting for the Lord to speak. It is a stern warning to the people that it is time to stop fighting wars they can’t win because they are wars that only God can fight. ⚔
The strength of this verse is in the fact that God Himself speaks, it is not a third party relaying His message. This shows how much we should pay attention to it as we read the whole Psalm. The writer of Psalm 46 wants others to know that it is time to acknowledge that continuing to fight in their own strength is to fight a losing battle. And when God fights for His people, everyone will be in awe.
C. Psalm 46:10 NASB version
“Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
The NASB puts the beginning of Psalm 46:10 as “Cease striving.” God is telling the people to stop using their futile human efforts to fight a battle bigger than themselves. They are to stop striving to win and turn to our Lord and let Him take His place in the situation.
Whether they are fighting disasters or enemies, they can’t subdue them. They need God’s help, and when He moves on their behalf, the world will see His sovereignty and worship Him.
D. Psalm 46:10 KJV Bible
“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”
What the bible says in the KJV version is similar to the versions that start with “Be still” but it also mentions that the heathen will exalt God. This is a term that the Israelites used to refer to the pagans, Gentiles, or those who were not the people of God. 🇮🇱
God is saying that those who don't know Him will exalt Him once they see a demonstration of His power. Those who know Him and those who don’t will all exalt Him and acknowledge that He is the true God. All eyes are to focus on Him and revere Him as God Almighty.
E. Psalm 46:10 NLT Bible
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”
The NLT version of the Bible introduces a new word in the second half of Psalm 46:10. It says that God will be honored by every nation and throughout the world. God will receive honor from those who dwell on the earth because of His mighty deeds. Those who don’t know Him will honor Him because He will do things their gods have never done.
4) Psalm 46:10, The Message to Understand
Many times we fight battles in our own effort and grow weary and give in to defeat. This happens because we are fighting a battle that requires God's intervention. He is the one who is undefeated and can conquer any enemy or threat to His people. They only need to put their weapons down.
When the whole world acknowledges that only God has the power to save them from the dangers and disasters they face, they will honor Him. As God, He is involved in the affairs of mankind because He never intended for us to operate without Him.
Psalm 46:10 urges us to stop for a moment and turn our attention to Him as the God who fights our battles. We are to surrender our weapons and let Him take charge. If we don't stop our frantic efforts to solve our insurmountable problems, we will never know that He is there to help us. 🙏
5) Conclusion
Psalm 46:10 has a deeper meaning when we understand it within the context of the whole Psalm. Its meaning goes beyond an individual to everyone on earth. In the world, we face things that are insurmountable without God. We are to keep our eyes on Him who can miraculously deal with the things we are trying to solve in our strength.
When you surrender to God, He can take charge of the situation. He is your refuge in times of trouble and the one who can subdue your enemies who rise against you. Be still and know He is God !
The Book of Psalms holds many valuable life lessons. For further reading, we recommend 'Reflections on the Psalms' by the great British author C.S Lewis.
Read next: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Many people have misused this Bible verse ! Discover what is the real meaning of Philippians 4:13 in this blog post.
Dudu NZAMA on
This this was a powerful explanation of this psalm. Im interested in learning more on the readings you analyse. How do I suscribe. Thank you kindly.
Jai Ellis-Woods on
Psalms 46:10 has been my favorite scripture for a very long time, it has always been one that sticks to my soul. while in prayer this morning, the Lord laid it in my spirit to research it to make sure I know the real meaning. thank God what I was thinking was somewhat what I read on this site today, but I learned the entire meaning. Praise God. I am so glad I followed through and came to this site. Thank you for helping me to understand my favorite scripture, No longer will I try to fight battles that are not mine to fight. I can’t thank you enough for this clarification of his word. I feel so much better that i studied and was obedient to his word. lol my license tag on my car says (JBESTIL) that’s how much it means to me; it is my daily reminder… Thank you and God Bless you.
Alina Motloung on
This morning while preparing for church God gave me this Pslm but in a form of song.I did not understand it but I read your message thank you very much.
Esther on
Thank you for such a clear & helpful post to put this psalm in the proper light!
How Awesome our God & how wonderfully loving He is that we can lean on Him as our Refuge & Fortress & lean on Him in surrender from futile self effort to work things out in His Splendour & watchful love for us. -
Twin Xaba on
Today the 4th May 2023 I came across the message of encouragement from my Facebook page, which led me to Psalm 46 : 10. This happens amidst the insurmountable storms I am faced with. I believe through Psalm 46 : 10 God is talking to me and I surrender all of my troubles, fears and enxiety to Him. Thank you for making me understand how powerful is the Word of God 🙏
Elaine Ballow on
Hello administrator, Your posts are always well-supported and evidence-based.
amie on
Wonderful Revelation .. very helpful and uplifting.. thank you for your life. God bless you more in full measure🙏
Juliet on
poweful message behind psalm 46:10
Pastor Isaac G. Kerkulah, Jr. on
Wow! Thanks so much for the great revelations drew out of Psalm 46:10. I am blessed by the message and I pray to use your insight to give direction to the young people that I mentor at the Youth Aid Ministries- Liberia/West Africa. May God bless you richly! Hope we can be connected one day!
Donald DSouza on
Good , would encourage one to grow stronger and walk with God. May God keep you and bless you.
Liandro vornel Lever Ficquare on
Whaauu what a wonderful and deap study about Spalms 46, I really read it many time, but I never reach to this deap explication, very very nice revelation. May God keep on blessing you pasteur Jim.
God almigthy bless your ministry in Jesus name. -
Ella Powell on
So uplifting and encouraging …its the first time ive ever studied this psalm and wow what a revelation I’ve had …..thank you
Diane on
I was reading and studying proverb 3:5-6 and this verse was recommended and was enlightening.
Lori Ann Porter on
Thank you for that Powerful WORD. the holy spirit is telling me that I have to trust God plans. I’mwaiting to get the approved letter to purchase my first house on my own..With Bad credit. I’ll not have a plan B! I’m trusting on GOD ALMIGHTY WORD.Proverbs 3:5-6 Proverb 46:10. Thank you and God’s blessings to you and your entire family and staff. And blessings to the reader.Amen
Charles D. Thomas, Sr. on
I ask a Pastor, thank you very much for the insight on Psalm 46, Sir the revelation that you gave delivered me on this Sunday morning, May 22, 2022. Thank you and God Bless your Ministry.
Yvonne Branch on
Thanks for the thought provoking explanation of Psalm 46:10. The testimony of others at the end were very encouraging
Ajibola onI Love God …s.b.e.
Lohan on
My DAD send me this with a link I didn’t open it,a few months i heard he was in the hospital he had sepsis and he’s hard was to weak to send oxygen to hes organs he dead today (6 April 5:30) he was a atheist but I heard he started to believe in GOD again.i love my dad so much I pray that GOD will give him you Dad.
Geisha Serafin on
In December 2020 I was diagnosed with Covid and was terrified because I have an autoimmune disease. There was no vaccines at the time and I some acquaintances had passed away from Covid and seeing that did not help. But, I have on my phone as my screensaver Psalm 46 and whenever I would get anxious and scared of the unknown I would read this message over and over again until I found peace. I truly believe that God’s words have been a blessing for my life especially when I face trials that I alone can’t handle. Thank you dear God for your tender mercies endures forever.
Pius on
I’m so bless trusting God to be his servant
Jessie Miranda on
I was diagnosed with leukemia December 28, 2018 and had stem cell transplant May 24 2019. God gave me
Psalm 46 as I searched the Bible for reassurance. I surrendered everything to him and let him be in control. God mightily intervened from my early diagnosis to treatment to healing. I had a lot of setbacks from life threatening infections,etc but God by his grace and strength sustained me through out my Cancer journey. He is indeed my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble therefore I didn’t fear. All I had to do was to be still and know that He is God! I have been in remission since 2019! -
Ekwegbalu Mercy on
Really touched this morning reading through this explanation of Psalm 46:10. My daughter has a big surgery tomorrow and this piece deepens my dependency in God. : Be Still for i am your God❤️
Gloria Banda on
Am a believer in the Lord Jesus, help me extend the Kingdom of God here in Africa, Zambia in anyway as the Spirit of God leads you. God will bless you
Dale Martin on
Thank you, my Sister in Christ, for your wise article in being still and knowing that He Is God. There is important Truth here that I need to remember!
I g Ave found times when I am alone with God, especially in the outdoors, when I have felt God’s Hoky Spirit so near that I have “been still” in reverence, spiritually listening to His Loving message for me. In particular, one night, I was looking at the stars, and He let me understand that I did not have to always have to have a message for Him, as important as that might be. More time can be spent with a still heart in prayer, listening for His message for me. -
Tabitha Mugure Ng'ang'a on
Thanks for explaining Psalm 46:10
I now surrender a complicated issue to God. May His name be exalted and honored. Amen -
Dumisani on
Thank you so much for the powerful message… May the God of heaven and earth be with you In JESUS MIGHTY.. We feel honored to have you in our midst my pst.. HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB OF GOD.
Juanita Prather on
A wonderful passage…Thanks for explaining Psalms 46:10.
Ruth Baya on
Thank you for allowing God to use you in this our corrupt world. Help me father for to surrender everything to you Jesus name
Coralie Caines on
Thank you FATHER G-D for anointing YOUR child to expound on YOUR HOLY WORD by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT in Ps. 46-10 and sharing YOUR HEART REVELATION with us. ❤️
Esther Naluze on
I pray that God will me to stop fighting for myself am afraid I don’t have enough faith as I used too and my prayer life is declining please pray for me
David Dobbins on
Thank you for amplifying the meaning of Psalms 46:10.
Moses Charles Kamara on
In the month of January, the Lord revealed this text to me Psalms 46:10. And it has been my food for this year and has long as i have life I will continue to depend on him. I was browsing through your comments made this text and it has broading my understanding the more.
Amanda Dlamini on
I really thank God,I am currently facing a situation that is beyond my control.i have learned to allow God to fight for me hence he is a Mighty Warrior and Great in battle.I pray to emulate Hanna who never fought her rival Pennina through speech n what ever.psalms 46:10 propells a testimony to me.Thankyou
Melodie Brock on
I was going through complications after eye surgery and my mom told me to read Psalms 46:10. Since I had to travel from Whitehorse, Yukon to Vancouver, BC I did not have my Bible with me so I looked it up on my phone and happened upon this detailed explanation of the verse. This explanation was good timing for what I was going through because I was asking God please I cannot go through any more surgeries!
Cynthia Hocking on
While I was praying, Psalm 46:10 came in my thoughts. At that moment I wondered if I was meant to stop praying because I was going on for some time. I thought to myself that God must want me to be quiet and hear what He has to say. When I am given a scripture, I do my research. I stumbled across your explanation and found it to be very deep and meaningful. This definitely a Word from God for this season! Thank God for your ministry.
Faith Green on
I thank u so much for this message I’m at a place in my marriage where needed this God woke me up with this scripture as I went to my devotional study this morning and it lead me here thank u as I read mediatated on this scripture and the holy spirit lead me to clarity God bless u for this message be blessed
Edna Ayallo on
This is such a simple yet poweful insight into Psalm 46:10. Thank you for sharing.
Rev. Marcus Kawu on
This is a scripture for people in tough time facing tough issues of life.
Euphy on
Wow! I realy love the explanation of psalms 46:10 yes we should be still as children of God and allows Him to take charge of every situations in our life .be blessed
Kathy Lostritto on
Thank you for the different translations/meanings of this scripture. God is more than able to handle my situation as I surrender and trust Him to work in His way and timing.
Alvia Boykin on
God spoke and explained psalm 46:10 to me.he said be still mean let go and I will handle this.and know!!not think,but know!!!that I Am still meaning leave it alone.
Dwight on
I was reading Psalms today and when reading 46:10, I had epiphany of sorts.
My take on Ps. 46:10 today:Be still – I AM still I AM
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10 KJV
Karen Woodside on
I truly appreciate the explaination of Psalm 46. Thank you
Rosa Mccane on
So glade to know that we have a God on my side, who is able to do all things but fail, Thank God for peace and protection.
ele y. on
As the world chaotically moves around me, I will rest in you. I will choose to be still
and ’’know’’ that you are “God”…………AMEN -
Anita R on
Thank you . God bless!
I was praying to God for the fruits of the womb and this scripture dropped in my heart. I decided to read it and came across this explanation. I believe God is already at work.