"Trust in the Lord" The Meaning of Proverbs 3:5-6

In the biblical book of Proverbs, chapter 3 and verses 5 and 6 are popular in the Christian faith. ✝️
People often quote them as a way of trusting God when things are tough. They are a source of comfort when a person is going through a situation they don’t understand. The wisdom in Proverbs 3:5-6 is necessary for every situation you face in life. Indeed, there's a number of books on Amazon dedicated solely to the study of the Book of Proverbs.
Verses 5 and 6 are part of one sentence:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths".
Proverbs 3:5-6
To better understand and explain Proverbs 3:5-6 we have to consider verses together. This gives the context of the message they convey to the reader. Though simple, these two Bible verses are power-packed and deliver a hard-hitting message. That if you trust in the Lord instead of your human wisdom, God will show you the right path to take. 🤲
Before we dive into the deeper meaning of Proverbs 3:5-6, let’s look at who wrote it.
1) Who Wrote Proverbs 3:5-6 ?
👑 King Solomon wrote most of the book of Proverbs, (Old Testament) where we find chapter 3 passages 5 and 6. We know this because Proverbs 1:1 says, “The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel." (King David wrote most of the book of Psalms). Proverbs 25:1 says that the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied the proverbs of Solomon. Agur and King Lemuel wrote Proverbs 30 and 31 respectively.
Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived. He asked God for wisdom to rule the people of Israel 🇮🇱, and they recognized that his wisdom was divine. 1 Kings 4:32 says Solomon had three thousand proverbs to his name. The proverbs were a reflection of the wisdom Solomon had gleaned throughout his life.
2) What is the meaning of Proverbs 3:5-6 ?
What does Proverbs 3:5-6 mean is that we are to trust God with all our hearts and not depend on what we know 🤔. At all times, include God in everything you do, and this way, you give Him a chance to keep you on the right track. You may not always know what lies ahead.
The general application of these verses is that in any given situation, trust Our Lord because He knows what to do. You don’t always know what to do, and relying on your wisdom or intelligence will mislead you. When you involve God in every action step you take to rectify a situation, you will arrive at the right solution. 👌
In this section, we will look at Proverbs 3:5-6 in three distinct parts, that is:
- Trust in the Lord with all your heart
- And lean not on your own understanding
- In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
A. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart" Meaning
The world has taught us that we are very capable of handling anything that comes our way. Many of the methods don’t include the power of God ⚡, but that of man. As a child of God, put your trust in Him instead of the many ways of the world (Psalm 20:7).
When you trust in God with all your heart, it means that you leave no room for doubt. You believe what He says because you know He is always right and will never deceive you. God sees the bigger picture and therefore knows what lies ahead of you and what you don’t see. Trust in God in every situation and relationship in your life.
Trusting God comes naturally when you know Him and how He works. It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know and can’t rely on. God is trustworthy and faithful and has proven Himself throughout the Bible. When you spend time to read the scriptures, you will know God and His ways and be familiar with His will. 🧐
God expects that you will trust Him with all your heart, not just a part of it ❤. When we don’t trust Him wholeheartedly, we question His abilities and tuck in a Plan B, just in case He doesn’t come through. Put your complete trust in God knowing He won’t let you down.
B. "And lean not on your own understanding" Meaning
Many times we try to figure things out in a situation yet we don’t always have all the information. The second part of verse 5 tells us not to depend on our understanding of things because we could be wrong 😕. You may have misinterpreted someone's words or underestimated a certain danger or threat.
We love being in control and tend to stay away from anything that makes us lose our grasp of any situation. That is why Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still,” meaning that we should stop striving to do things in our strength.
Read also on the blog: The Meaning of Psalm 46:10 to you as a child of God.
Let go of your ideas or inventions, and allow the wisdom of God to prevail. Your opinion should not rank higher than what our God says because you don’t always know the truth about something. 🙅♀
You have to let go of what you think you know so that God can show you the truth. You may have biased opinions based on false beliefs. God has given us the Spirit of truth - the Holy Spirit - to show us the truth in every situation we face (John 14:17).
C. "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths" Meaning
Proverbs 3:6 urges us to involve God in all our ways and this way, we give Him a chance to direct our steps in the right direction. The Christian life is one that you live in surrender to the Lord.
You live your life for Christ Jesus after you are born again (2 Corinthians 5:15). This means that God is a part of every area of your life and the things you do. He wants to make sure you are always on the right track. 😊
When you are intimate with God, you give Him access to all your life, not just a part of it. You allow Him to have a say in the things you plan on doing to make sure you don’t end up on a dead-end road. Remember, there is a path that looks right to a man but in the end, it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). 💀
God’s ways are perfect and He makes your ways secure and righteous. The way we do things should reflect God’s ways.
If this bible verse is meaningful to you, you will love this Proverbs 3:5-6 Bracelet.
3) Conclusion
Psalm 84:12 in the Bible says that the one who trusts in the Lord is blessed. 🙏
You accrue blessings for trusting God instead of your understanding. Following God’s way in every situation will lead to peace and prosperity and you have no reason to worry. When God is in charge, He brings good out of an unpleasant situation and makes sure you are victorious. ✊
Further your understanding and wisdom of the Proverbs with these bestselling bible study books.
Trust God with all your heart.
God’s word is right and true and you can bank on it (Psalm 33:4). God is faithful and always stands by His word. He is your helper and will help you when you don’t know what to do. He will never leave you or forsake you in your time of need.
Trust God always and your path will be secure and stable. ❤
Elvira on
Glory to God!
Hi dear!
Well explained in a very simple n understanding way just the way I needed it.Thank you so much! ✨
Barica Horner on
I love the insight you’ve shared on Proverbs 3:5-6. This reading has become part of my daily devotional. Blessings to you!
Miracle Ogbolu on
I love this explanation
Thank you for this message it’s really help me a lot and i put my trust in God ancd to allowed him to take control over my life. I have no fear or doubt in him I put my trust in him for he will never let me down or forsake me.
glory!!!!! -
Apostle Francis Roketo on
I love the explanation
Roy on
Lynlyn on
A challenging message..I am blessed
Veronica Jones on
This message came to me while searching for meaning to Proverbs 3:5-6 after seeing a friend post this verse in her status. I am so encouraged and feel empowered and renewed in my heart and I feel new strength now to continue through the very difficult relationship situation I’m in right now. I’ve always been trying to figure things out and know what’s happening next while saying I was trusting God. But this explanation was so thorough and clear and real. I. So thankful for it forever grateful for God leading you to write this ♥️
Very powerful verses,surrendering all to God for guidance.
Peweh Joseph on
This is really soul enriching. Thank you so much ma’am. I Will wish to have more of your articles especially on FAITH building. Please how can I get them? Peweh Joseph from Cameroon
Betty on
Thanks for enlightened me on Proverbs, and its much needed study for me now that i have read and understand i can enjoy its contents, God’s blessings upon you
COLLINS Ashiono Ingosi on
Praise God.The article on Proverbs 3:5-6 is insightful.
It has really encouraged me especially with the some how difficult time am experiencing.
Thanks very much.
Kenya. -
Isaac Nai Ashifi on
I am really bless with this article
Patrice Ashilaka on
Perfect meaning.thanks
Daniel Kaya on
Thank you for the teaching, I am finally enlightened about Proverbs 3:5-6 and it came timely as the revelation started last night and still building on it.
Jonathan Lansana on
I really appreciate your teachings here.
Pastor Martin chacha on
I’m blessed by studying prov.3:5-6
Just had a dream about reading it, and decided to search through Lord’s guidance, wow so powerful, I’m empowered by this study. Thanks so much. I am from kitale, Kenya. -
Sharon on
Thanks for the word, was very helpfull as I prepare for a sermon for family their mother passed on
Jatin Ronghang on
Good article. Its help me to see God’s plan.
Phuti Rammala on
THANKU U very much for the great explanation and revelation of how to continue trusting GOD EVEN when going through a series of challenges.I am one person who goes through tough times of live but the explanation of this verse encouraged and strengthened me to Hold o to my CREATOR GOD.
SRI on
Thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit. You’ve helped me and I thank Jesus for your obedience.
Edwin on
Just before I began to pray , fast thus verses came to me.. so pray, fast and read these verse, and I also read the Lord’s guidance. Every day is a learning experience experience if you want to grow spiritual, thank you sis in Christ Kayla Moore. God bless..
John Tijani on
The article is very powerful and it has given me deeper understanding about relying upon our lord. In every decision, steps taken in our daily life we should seek his Wisdom and direction. Am really bless hence keep touching the loss soul
Rev. Silas yusuf on
Am a Chaplain with Nigeria police force,your teaching really revived me.Thanks ma. Please guard me
Avisalome Koroirara on
I really love this verse because it is helping me not to trust on my own understanding and to trust the lord in every thing I do…
Isimeli Taito on
I really LOVE this….helps me understand clearly what the scripture is saying…only god can direct our right paths because he is the way the truth and the life
Thomas on
Life is confused. I remembered Proverb 3:5&6. I sought for more meaning to it and you helped me. Thanks
Gircel on
Thank you I use it to help others like myself to understand the importance of trusting God.
Salmon on
Love your writing
Lakeisha T on
Thank you for giving me a clear understanding about everything. Thank you and God bless.
Michael Bethune on
Thank You!
Sandra Whitaker on
Thank you for giving me a more clear vision of Proverbs 3:5-6. I really enjoyed how clear you made it for me. Blessings to you.
Love the way you helped me understanding this proverb. on
Sherry Riddick on
I stumbled on your web page, lm so glad I did!! it was so plan to understand, you explained the word so clear, a child could understand it. that is what I was looking for, I have found you,thanks so much Im excited! can’t wait to study more ❤️
Dr Apichart Branjerdporn on
Thanks Kayla for your helpful exposition of this passage of God’s Word in Proverbs 3:5-6.
Clearly outlined and your language is very much at home with every aged group.
To God be the glory, well done to you and
good on you Google,great choice provider.
Apichart -
Augustine on
I am blessed
Bosco Kakao on
Am blessed this morning with this reflection.
Loleta Johnson on
Your message was truly encouraging to my spirit man. I thank God for this message ❤️.
Ana on
Thank you for the insight into Proverbs 3:5-6
Like many others the Holy Spirit kept showing me this verse throughout this week around 7 times! This Word really humbled me, i wasn’t trusting in the Lord 100% and kept relying on a Plan B just in case things didn’t turn out as i had wanted. But all I had to do was trust Him and i do now. May God bless you -
B on
Struggling about being qualified enough to become a licensed minister. I feel like I’m in the 4th quarter and my shoes aren’t even laced up. They actually feel like their tied in knots
Lerato on
I truly needed to hear about Proverbs 3:6
This morning.Thanks again
Manny on
Thank you! Profound explanation of Proverbs 3:5-6.
Willie Clemmons III on
Hallelujah!!!!!!! Thank you for this most articulate commentary. In one week I’ve heard this scripture from about 4 different people, and it pushed me to dive deeper into the meaning of this proverb of Solomon! I’m in a situation where: my wife divorced me a couple of months back and I still live in the same home with her. It’s hard and she has moved on quickly, with no regard of me still being in the same house. So I heard this scripture everywhere that I went from different people and I was like “God is saying something.” I just want God to direct my path and keep me clean and pure while I’m here with her; I thank you again for your POWERFUL commentary on this beautiful truth from King Solomon, be blessed and pray for me that this situation I’m in won’t tear me apart.
Mya on
This really helped me alot thank you soo much and I pray that you continue to use your gift and passion for the lord. Thank u
Solomon Nyembe on
Thanks very much for the powerful preaching glory we have learned alot from you glory may God bless you with more wisdom to do his work Amen ✋🙇🏽♂️
Kevin M on
Similar to the response mentioned earlier by another follower of Christ, I too am facing a challenge with my profession due to my sinful act. Today I am filled with fear
that my goal, in which I have truly believed was part of God’s plan, may not be met at this time. These 2 verses remind me to have faith and trust in the Lord since His plans for me are beyond what I may currently expect and understand. I believe that He will straighten the path that He has set for me as I wait with patience and obedience for His response. -
Pam Ogola on
Thank you so much i am now clear…
Rich on
So perfect .
Donald Sare on
I’m in a burst full situation where my professional duty was devastated with my sinful act and after reading through the quoted proverbs, Indeed I feel at peace, filled with love and encouragement to trust God whole heartedly and leave my duty is duty and his duty, my duty
Sadie williams on
Thank you for sharing this important information. It cleared up what I was thinking which was wrong. Very helpful.
Thank you for this. Yesterday I obeyed the Holy Spirit’s urge to pray for something earnestly. Then I apologized to someone for some words I said. I expected an instant positive feedback but instead this person wrote a post on social media that really confused me. I even asked God for a sign if things will turn out well but Nada!! Then when scrolling my phone I came across a photo with proverbs 3:5. And I came here searching for deeper meaning. Now, no social media post will stress me. I obeyed God’s voice. Now it’s my time to sit down and watch Him do what He does best. Thank you.