9 Easy Ways to Share the Word of God with Others

From the moment we experience God and have a personal relationship with Him, we want others to know Him too. We can share the Word of God with others around us in easy ways that will not leave us feeling inadequate and intimidated.
In this article, we will look at 9 easy ways you can share your faith, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ 🤲.
How to Share the Word of God with Others?
1. Invite a Friend to Church
This is one of the easiest ways to spread the Word of God with your friends and family members. If you know anyone who does not go to church or know Christ, you can invite them to come to your church and listen to the sermon for the day. While they are listening, God will convict them by His Spirit, and you may find them giving their lives to Christ.
⛪ You can also invite your friends to the midweek services in your church. After the service is over, you can ask them what their experience was and if they have questions, you can answer them. You may find that they continue coming to church and even accept God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
2. Share a Testimony and How Your Faith Had a Role to Play in It
When people gather, it’s only natural for them to share their stories, and you can take this opportunity to share yours. If the people you are with ask you how you overcame a certain struggle, tell them that your faith was instrumental in the process. Let them know how God helped you deal with your struggle or challenge, and how it was impossible to handle it without Him.
Sometimes people notice the peace you have and want to know how they can get it for themselves. This is where you let them know that it comes from Jesus, and then share the gospel with them.
3. Recommend or Buy a Book for a Friend
📒 There are many good books out there that explain the gospel in an easy to understand way. You can buy such a book for a friend who wants to know more about the Christian faith, and loves to read books.
You can also recommend a Christian book that will help your friend deal with a certain issue they have in life. In the process, they will get to see that it is only through a relationship with God that they will receive salvation.
4. Invite a Friend to Your Fellowship Group
Another way to share your faith with a friend or someone around you who needs to hear the gospel is invite them for your group fellowship. This gives them a chance to see what Christians do when they meet and share the Word of God.
A fellowship is an informal setting for spread the Word of Jesus, and the person you invited will not feel intimidated. They will feel more at home, and likely to engage. Inviting people to a fellowship allows them to see that Christians are not perfect people but those that Jesus is transforming every day.
5. Branded T-shirts, Mugs, Stickers, and Others
When we wear branded apparel or have items with Bible verses, we invite others to engage with us, and ask questions about the gospel. If you go for a mission trip or evangelism event, you can wear a T-shirt with a verse that sparks an interest in the gospel. If someone asks you about Jesus, you can tell them about Him, and invite them to accept Him into their lives.
Having merchandise with Bible verses is an effective way to share the gospel with others in a non-threatening way. Those who ask you about the verse will want to know more about the Bible, and that is your opportunity to share your faith.
How to share faith with others? 👇
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6. Share the Gospel with a Stranger
Sometimes you may go on a trip, and the person next to you happens to be a chatty one. That is a golden opportunity to share your faith with them. Since you will be together for quite a while, you will have enough time to explain to them the foundation of the gospel, and even say the salvation prayer with them.
You will be surprised at the strangers you meet who have no clue what the Bible says or how they can have a relationship with God. As we move around the world, we can ask God to give us the courage and grace to share the good news of the gospel with others.
7. Share Christian Resources
If you know of any good Christian resources, you can share with those who don’t know Christ. The internet is full of Christian articles and videos that are very educative, and someone can read them at their own time. There are people who have shared the gospel in a simple way, and you can direct others to their resources.
💻 Thank God that the internet is available to many people around the world, and many can now easily find relevant information on the gospel. If you have any write-ups or videos you have created, you can send them to those who need to hear the message of Christ.
8. Give a Gift with a Bible Verse
Nowadays, Christian bookshops have gift items that have Bible verses, and you can buy one for a friend or loved one. These gifts inspire people to seek God, and know more about Him. You could buy your friend a mug, Scripture cards, bookmark, journal, etc.
Even if seeing your friend personally may not be possible because of movement restrictions due to the global pandemic, you can have it delivered to their address. 🎁 Whenever they look at the gift, they will be inspired to turn to the Bible and read it. As they do, they will have an encounter with God, and their life will not be the same.
9. Answer Questions on the Christian Faith
Some people will ask you a question in relation to your faith and after you answer them, you can go on to share the gospel. Explain to them how having a personal relationship with Jesus will help them understand more about the Christian faith.
Take an example of where someone asks you how Christians hear God. You can go ahead and tell them that it starts with a relationship with Jesus, who then lives in your heart by His Spirit. The Spirit speaks to you, and reveals the things of God to you. Questions from others are a great way to direct others to God.
You don’t have to feel like sharing the Word of God with friends is a difficult thing to do. God gives us the opportunities, like the ones above, to tell others about Him. He will in turn take over and draw them closer to Him 🙏.
The work of convicting others to accept Christ belongs to the Holy Spirit. We only avail ourselves as vessels that God can use.
Pray that you will have the grace and courage to share your faith with others. God helps us because He knows that we need His help and strength to bring others to Him. Share your faith with others today, and let them know that there is a loving God, who is waiting to turn their lives around.
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Abed on
thanks for the good words of insight, i like the conclusion. surely when He is lifted, He draws men to Himself. be blessed . Shalom
I like to share with you the word of God.