How Does God Reveal His Will To Us ?

Christians talk a lot about God's will. Some have an opinion of it, but what is it really? 🤔
Why is it so important?
How can we do the will of God?
When people talk about God's Will, they often cite a variety of things. We have probably sought to know it in certain aspects of our lives or asked God what is your will to me?
To believe in God is to attribute intellect, emotions, and will to him.
Since man was created by God and imperfect, it is understood that the qualities of the human being are shadow of the person of God (1 Corinthians 13:12).
1) Understand What The Will Of God Is
His Will, more than a concept, is a daily real experience for the true Christian. It cannot be analyzed by limited human knowledge (Isaias 55:8-9), it can only be done by faith.
A. What is God's will?
🧐 By God's will is meant the ability to decide and do something helped by consciousness in order to obtain a result.
In humans he operates consciously and spontaneously, allowing him to govern his daily action, decide and choose his behavior.
God's Will goes beyond that. Scripture defends two very clear meanings for His Will.
1. God is Sovereign above all (Psalm 135:6)
But even knowing the future, he censors some events that He himself originates and orders events that He disapproves of, according to His purpose.
It is his Decree or Sovereign Will, which exists from eternity and is fulfilled, whether we want to or not (Daniel 4:35).
2. The perceptive will or obedience to His commandments
It is what He commands us to do (Matthew 7:21). This will can be disobeyed daily, believe in it or not (John 7:17).
Both wills go hand in hand from eternity 🤝.
The sovereign will that God reveals, when accepted as it really is, catalyzes our longing and seeking fulfillment in our lives of God's perceptual will why?
The theologies explain that it responds to our need when we go through difficulties: to know that God allows certain events (good or bad) and is always in control of everything, and at the same time, that God identifies with us and does not revel in our disobedience.
B. How does it manifest itself?
Sometimes God reveals his will very clearly (Micah 6:8).
But that's not always the case. Since ancient times, God has revealed his plan and purpose to the human being.
We read it all over the Scripture.
His Word reveals everything we need to know.
And his will that remains secret does not contradict what was already revealed in the scriptures, for God is neither a liar nor we are in condition or ability to know everything (John 16:12).
Other times it is the Holy Spirit who helps us to properly understand and interpret His will (Romans 8:26-27).
✝ He was sent to guide us to the truth of God and as such.
Let us not forget that God manifests himself in many different ways; to listen to it, we need spiritual discipline such as prayer, fasting, worship, and deep biblical meditation.
C. Why is it so important?
God wants us to know His will and its purpose for our lives, that we may live with joy (Ephesians 1:5).
Sometimes our lifestyle, hard work, and lack of intimacy in our communication with God hinder the process (Matthew 13:22).
There are those who spend money on books related to the subject, others come with "prophets or teachers" to tell them the future, and others believe that by following certain religious practices they are doing His will.
We focus more on knowing God's secrets than on obeying Him.
Instead of asking us What is His will for my life? We should ask ourselves, am I doing His will?
Ephesians 5:17 exhorts us to know His will, for this eliminates false religion, helps us to make sense of the Word, and to hold on to God when the trials come.
Everything that exists, even our lives, revolves around His will, whether decreed or perceptive. Disobeying it will always lead us to failure, suffering and death.
2) How Do I Do The Will Of God?
The Word reveals that God has a plan for each of us.
His Will is revealed only to believers who have been born again (What is a born again Christian?) (Romans 12:2), for the carnal mind is not able to understand the things of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14-15).
The renewed mind is left to be governed by God and subject to His will.
Only through Christ can we transform our minds to have a good relationship with God and know His plan 🙏.
His will is revealed in the Word, which is the only and sufficient supreme authority (2 Timothy 3:16-17) for believers.
A true Christian does God's will at all costs. It is not always easy to obey it, but we know that it is good, pleasant, and perfect (Romans 12:2).
All that has been revealed to us in the Bible is sufficient for us to love God, trust in Him, and live according to His Will.
Here are some truths set forth by Scripture about living according to God's Will:
- May we live away from sin (1 Thessalonians 4:3) and live in holiness (1 Peter 1:15-16).
- May we have grateful hearts (1 Thessalonians 5:18) for what we have received through his grace.
- May we be an example to the unreviewed world by reflecting with our lives the example of Christ (1 Peter 2:15).
- It is not His will that any man should lose and die (Ezekiel 18:32 and 33:11; 2 Peter 3:9).
- Listen to our prayers (1 John 5:14) and ask for His will to be fulfilled in our lives.
⚠ Many times we focus more on our desires or asking God to change our circumstances according to our plans, without thinking about His will.
God always uses circumstances to perfect you and train you for your plan.
Remember: God does not fulfill whims, he accomplishes purposes.
3) Bible Verses About God´s Will
The Word is full of verses that speak of God's Will. Here are some of the things:
"... so that you may compromising whatever the goodwill of God, pleasant and perfect"
Romans 12:2
"For God's will is your sanctification..."
1 Thessalonians 4:3
"Whosoever will do the will of God shall know whether the doctrine is of God..." John 7:17
"... that having done God's will, you may obtain the promise"
Hebrews 10:36
"For this is the will of God: that by doing well, let us silence the ignorance of foolish men"
1 Peter 2:15
"And the world passes, and his desires, but he that does the will of God, remains forever"
1 John 2:17
4) Conclusion
God has will like human beings.
His will is more than a theological concept.
It has existed since ancient times manifested in two: as sovereign or decreed and as a perceptive of its commandments.
The difference is that one is fulfilled, whether we want to or not, and the other is painfully transgressed daily for our sins 😈.
For a Christian, God's will is a priority, for the success of a Christian is measured by his degree of obedience to the Word and thus to the will of God.
To do this, we need to be transformed by the Holy Spirit, for the natural mind is not able to be subjected to God's will.
Only when we accept Christ as Lord does the Holy Spirit renews our minds, helps us understand God's will and practice His commandments in our daily lives.
Read next: There Is Power In The Name Of Jesus !
Enoch Joseph on
I thank God for the word of life. This is so clear by the spirit ,to do the will of God and have the understanding his will for ones life,walking with him in fellowship gives a believer the opportunity of his leadings.Remain Blessed. I love the word and I love you woman of God. Thanks so much.
I really understand that word now I just want to know where I am in Christ thank you for your input God bless you and you have a blessed day Richard Solomon
Wylodean Batiste on
I am so lost I know God The Father Don And Holy Spirit All Make One And I Know God Is Real I Want To Build A personal Relationship With God I Desire To Serve Him Be Obedient To Him And Live According To His Word.I Just want To Feel Him Holding Me And Never Letting Me Go My Biggest Problem Is I Don’t Understand The Bible.Please Pray For Me As I Pray For Myself To Come To Know God.
Beverly Adams on
We are suppose to receive the Holy Ghost the same way we received Jesus by grace through faith. Many people is over thinking this. John 6:44) tells me that God’s power leads us to Jesus I encourage you to believe and receive God’s word and allow the renewing of your mind with the word of God, and allow The Holy Spirit to transform you, believing God’s word is true. Unbelief can stop a person from speaking in tongues.Recieving Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Ghost is two different experiences according to Acts 19:2)and their are other scriptures. The Holy Spirit leads us to all truth.
Sibongile Magagula on
Thank you so much ..I was baptised with Holy Ghost ..I faced many challenges in life now I feel dry and I now want that experience again in my life..I felt God’s presence speaking to me felt joy and peace ..I deeply yearn for that now
Benns on
Thanks for your article.
I am having trouble understanding the indwelling spirit and the holy ghost baptism at pentacost with the speaking in tongues showing they receive the baptism of the spirit. All throughout acts they did as well. My church believes you only have the holy ghost when you speak in tongues which is a sign. How can the holy ghost indwelling you and you are not saved until the same holy ghost imparts the power to live a Christian life by being baptized with the spirit. Alot of people in church are trying to receive the holy ghost but haven’t yet so they are saying they are not saved. How can this be.
I see in my church a very loving , obedient ,walking in holiness christians and knowing the word of God immensely.Thank you for your input. If you could include scripture that would be very helpful
There is so much controversy it is overwhelming.
Thanks very much
Thank you so much, for the wornderful word of God well explained. I love the write-up. God bless us all.