5 Signs of the Holy Spirit in You

God sent His Spirit to transform our hearts and make us more Christ-like 🕊️.
He knew that we needed help in living a righteous life that pleases Him. Without God’s help, we are unable to live the kind of life that God desires for us to have. As believers of Jesus Christ, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us.
“...the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.” John 14:17
5 Signs You Have The Holy Spirit In You
Since the Holy Spirit lives in us, our lives should show signs that He lives in us and is actively at work in our hearts ❤️.
In this article, we will look at five signs of the Holy Spirit in a believer. For those looking for a deeper understanding of the ways of the Holy Spirit, we recommend reading The Holy Spirit In You by Derek Prince.
1) Transformation
The Holy Spirit works in us and helps us mature as believers, and brings about the transformation of our hearts and minds.
Titus 3:4-6 says,
“But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.”
Having the Holy Spirit regenerates our spirit, and we become a new creation.
We undergo a complete transformation at the spirit level and this causes our behavior to change. The world believes in improving yourself and becoming a better person, but the Holy Spirit turns you into a completely new being 🧖♂️.
When you are transformed, others notice the change in you. That is why when someone gets saved, others can see a difference in them, though they may not know what caused the change. A person with the Holy Spirit in them, will be like a new person.
We are always looking for how to become better people, but God wants us to be totally new people who reflect His glory.
2) Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit
One sign that you have received the holy spirit is the presence of the fruit of the Spirit.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23
The more time we spend with God, we grow in love, joy, peace, and the other fruit listed in this Scripture. When you see someone grow in the fruit of the Spirit, then you know that they have allowed God to work in their hearts.
The journey of salvation is lifelong, and it takes time for the fruit to fully manifest in our lives. Sometimes you will find that you are not as joyful or kind as you should be, and you can pray and ask God to help you 🙏🏻.
Growth takes time, and you can be patient with yourself as you grow in the fruit of the Spirit. When you have the fruit of the Spirit manifesting in you, you will notice that you do not act the way you do before you got saved.
If your joy and happiness came from outside sources, it now comes from the inside.
Whenever you want to check whether you are growing in the fruit of the Spirit, you can go through each of them and ask yourself if you are manifesting them in your life.
3) The Leading of the Holy Spirit
With the Holy Spirit living in us, we can follow His leading as we go about our daily lives.
Signs of the holy spirit presence are found in a person who will talk about how God is speaking to them and giving them direction or instructions for every step they take. God wants us to follow the voice of His Spirit.
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”
Romans 8:14
When a believer is led by the Holy Spirit, they will obey God’s Word, and go in the direction that He wants them to go. God speaks to us in our hearts and shows us the way we are to go 🧭.
When you don’t know what to do in a given situation, you can ask the Holy Spirit and He will give you the solution. You will make fewer mistakes in life when you make it a habit to listen to what God wants you to do.
Many times we want to know the will of God for our lives and the only way we can is by listening to His Spirit.
We can commit to obeying the things that God wants us to do in life so that we can live a righteous life that honors Him. During our quiet moments, we can hear the Holy Spirit speak to us and tell us what is in His heart 💗.
We can make decisions that lead to life when we make them with God as our source of wisdom and discernment.
4) Speaking in Tongues
Signs of being filled with the holy spirit is the evidence of speaking in tongues.
After salvation, a believer can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and they will speak in tongues.
“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
Acts 2:4
When Jesus had returned to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit who infilled those who were praying in the upper room. They began to speak in tongues as evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said that those who believe in Him will speak in new tongues. “And these signs will follow those who believe:
"In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues”
Mark 16:17
As believers, we can speak in tongues when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit. Not speaking in tongues does not mean that a person is not saved, they are, only that they have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
5) Testing the Spirits
Sign for Holy Spirit is in a person who professes Christ is not readily accepting any doctrine they hear out there ✊🏻.
They test the spirits by which people speak and act, and turn to the word of God to confirm the truth.
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
1 John 4:1
One with the Holy Spirit in them will quickly discern false prophets and teachers. They are convicted when they hear teachings that sound spiritual but are not from God. They have learned to confirm what they hear with the Word of God.
The only way to know the truth is to read and meditate on the Bible and understand God’s commands 📜.
This is how you guard yourself against deception and hold on to the truth. When you see others falling away from the faith, it is likely that they believed a lie about God and His Word.
If we are going to hold on to our faith, we need to have the truth in our hearts always.
The above are only five signs of presence of Holy Spirit in a person. You can ask God to show you more as you have your quiet time with Him.
To always be filled with the Holy Spirit, you can give Him more room in your heart so that He can do a great work in you.
God accomplishes His work on earth through the Holy Spirit and also renews our hearts through the same Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you become more godly and live a righteous life.
Learn more about the power of the Holy Spirit in these bestselling books.
Read next: The gospel of Jesus Christ is based on love, and we are to love like He does. God loved us and sent Jesus to die for our sins so that we would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
No one is beyond the love of Christ in the world and when we accept Him as our Savior, His love dwells in our hearts. In the Bible, it is shown how to love others like Jesus.
Florence on
Thank you so much for this enlightenment about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. I woke up this morning trying to connect to the Holy Spirit but to no avail suddenly I picked up my phone in search and my thirst was quenched by your write up. Remain blessed.
Matthew Job on
Lead me to scripture
Helen on
I have been praying for the Holly Ghost baptism, there was an alter call for those who can not speak to tongues and I went out then in the process I started saying wards , after which I went and sat down and I felt the power of God but after that I have not been speaking, does it mean it wasn’t the Holly Ghost baptism, what should I do please
Hendrick Knox Bareki on
Milton Balukuu on
Glory be to God brethren. I thank God for giving me the Holy spirit abundantly bse whenever i try to think otherwise, there and then I get a caution inside my heart. May the Holy power of our Lord Jesus Christ guide us in every way of life. Amen
Banele on
Greetings in the name of our Lord,please help i dobt know maybe am confused what so ever🤷🏾♀️ my question how do i know that am filled with the holy spirit & how /where do i start speaking in tongues..?
Rachel George on
I read the article and GBU. I am a believer & I like to say my experience. Before I accepted the Lord as my personal savior I didn’t believe in Baptism or speaking in tounges. But when I read from John chapter 3:5 I understood the importance of taking Baptism from a spirit filled pastor & I did it 50 yrs ago. I asked the Lord if it’s true fill me with the Holy spirit. God filled me with the Holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tounges & I still speak in tounges. Everything you said is true but the only sign in the bible that a person received Holy spirit is speaking in tongues. Holy spirit is with us & in US is different. I think everyone should desire to receive Holy spirit and speak in tounges. GBU
Ron on
Will Holy Spirit leave a believer if they contact hiv?
Robert on
I realize that I have quenched the Holy Spirt. I don’t feel the Holy Spirts presence in my life like I use. I’ve been told the Holy Spirit doesn’t leave us but I’m reminded of King Saul. Please pray for me. I desperately need the Holy Spirit.
Nekesa ritah on
Thanks Moore for the article . it is really helpful but my comment goes to David black . please read the article carefully and take not of some things in it . she didn’t say that not speaking tongues means that you are not saved, she made it care when she said that it doesn’t mean that are not saved which means that you are still are still saved even though you can’t peak in tongues . she didn’t say that if you are not able to speak in tongue you are not saved . please read the article carefully . thanks Moore for the article it is really helpful .
David Black on
Please speak truth, I believe all the Bible Acts 2: and when the promised to us when you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit:38 Acts chapter 2 even said tongues is a language. To make a statement speaking in tongue’s is a sign that you have the Holy Spirit in you is false; the Bible says fruit and love you will know Jesus disciples. If statement you have to speak in tongues to show you have Jesus spirit in you Mark 16:17- go get a rattlesnake with venom or drink poison and if you don’t get sick or die then you have the Holy Spirit. This is false. Jesus said the one who hears my words and puts them into practice is the one who will be saved. Just like the apostles said as well. Please read 1 Corinthians 14: 22, Mark 16:17 – is not in all the ancient manuscripts that we get the Bible from. The Bible says don’t go beyond what is written.
Simon on
This is my favourite topic. I was checking on how practical is being filled with the holy spirit. What’s the actual change and effect in one’s life, apart from the theory part..how do you live practically as person full of the holy spirit. Thanks for the guidance
Sherri Marshall on
Beautifully shared! 🙏 Thank you…I am made the better for it and strengthen in my inner man. Blessings to you and your family. 😊🙏
Bythia on
Thank you for your wisdom and sharing. The Holy Spirit helps us each day to walk through life. Have known Him for many years. On 12-12-22, I was concerned about getting up on time for 4 a.m. so as to let a family member in who was coming at 6:00. When I woke up at midnight, I asked the Father to wake me at 4:00. And He did – I was awakened by the sound of small jingling bells. A blessing given by the Holy Spirit! It made me smile and I began to laugh and said “Good morning, LORD! and Thank You.”
Shantel Coates on
This message was a Blessing very informative May the Lord continue to use you in a mighty way God Bless you and family!!
Reba Duren on
I was researching for better understanding of Galatians that I can use to teach or Ladies Bible Study group about Galatian 5.
Thank yo for this article -
Antoine on
This was the first time I read something and seen and felt the message in my heart. All of this that was said was in me, comferming God is teaching His children His law, His precepts, His ways of living. It’s good to hear someone who God is speaking the same word to and filling them through the fruit of same Spirit. Amen, praise the Lord Jesus Christ. And Amen. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Angela Snyder on
Love your writings.Believe you are led by the Spirit of God .Continue to bless.
Rita on
I’ve read this but I was told by my pastor when I went to church that every time I go to church and I hear the word of God I end up crying is that a part of the Holy Spirit because I see that people get up and dance but they’re nice also see people speaking in tongues I see people crying and I’m one of those who cry is that a part of the Holy Spirit?
Rita on
I feel renewed now because I had holy ghost Baptism few weeks ago
Mike on
In regards to the "speaking in tongue’s " in Acts 2 the apostles were able to speak in tongues of national languages, there is a difference between those tongues and a spiritual tongue that Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 4.
Clara on
I got what I was searching for and just realized too that God has been directing me through my dreams too. Thanks be to the Holy Spirit for giving u wisdom to teach about the Holy Spirit. God name be praises.
R're'l Gallahar on
Hi I like your post very encouraging. I want to encourage you that many christians have different views on scripture and not to let that swerve you from the truth. These times are getting harder and I realize not all christians believe all the same things. Everything you said was right. Thank you for your post God Bless you dear sister.
Mabie on
Hi Kayla…
Am blessed to go through your blog, today is the first time I read your blog/ Article, Am a mother of 2 a girl and a boy, born again Christian that love to read and share the word of God to people around.I have all the 4 evidence of the sign that a believer has the Holy spirit but I dont speak in tougues, which I really desire as a child of God, have been praying and asking God to give me that gift especially when I read mark 16:17 it makes me feel like something is missing.
God bless you as you continue labour for the Kingdom of God. -
Uvette on
I totally agree with sergio.. I think Kayla, that you have some things mixed up dear. Once they were filled with the Holy Spirit then they spoke in tongues, speaking in tongues is not the only evidence of having the Holy Spirit. We each are given our own gifts, yours may be speaking in tongues while another’s is prophesy etc. And of course it goes deeper than that but I just thought I would put my input in. Blessings!😊👍
Andrew Nkulo on
Great piece of acticle, it is rich in content.
Jane on
Kayla, I am a 68 yr. old virgin female, and have struggled w/this issue a lot. Esp when it’s actually a physical temptation. I truly believe that the times I was tempted to stray, God stopped me. Believe, Kayla. that he put both of us here to live whatever lives he has planned for us if we listen to him. I’ve not been very good about doing that consistently. I pray for you that he will come to you & help you w/this struggle. I will pray for you & you can pray for me. I live on the Assisted Living wing of a multifaceted nursing facility. So it’s even more imperative to me that I be filled w/the Spirit so that I can counsel my fellow residents & myself appropriately.
Ogieva Magdalene Enoma on
Thanks a lot for more details about the the Holy Spirit. I now know more about how the Holy Spirit works in a believers life.
Bruce on
Am a true witness of the holy spirit, GOD is REAL
Sergio on
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23
But you’re saying that we cannot show the fruits of the spirit if we’re not full of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as you say “they have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit”.
Speaking in other “tongues”…. define tongues.
Utterance… define utterance.Nowhere in the Bible says that the only evidence to have the Holy Spirit is by speaking in other tongues.
New King James Version
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills -
Jeffrey on
I am a student I did not understand the baptism of the spirit but I understand it now 🙏 thanks 🇳🇬
Comfort on
I have been baptised I have not received the spirit of tongues and am virgin also struggling with sexual tempetation
Charles Alufandika Tembo on
Kayla thanks a lot for this sharing, enlighetnment.
In fact my inquiry came at a point when I was going deeper and deeper praying the Scriptures and just being in God’s presence, I suddenly felt some kinda electric pulse/feeling in my hands and left leg – sometimes I can have that on chest/heart area – this sensation happens when I have humbly availed myself before God in heartfelt prayer. Sometimes wondering…is it Holy Spirit indwelling sign of presence/arrival in a particular deep moment of prayer or Deliverance process🤔I am a Catholic charismatic, and I’m in Love with the Holy Spirit🙏I’m eager to know more in of Discernment and Holy Spirit lead.
Once again, thank you for the 5 signs of Holy Spirit presence/indwelling in a Believer (Born Again Christian), inclusive of me. Glory to God🙏 -
Joanne on
We are in the last days .. many will fall away .. churches.. pastors .. family and friends but God who has sent His Royal seal 🕊The Holy Spirit shall never leave us as Christ our 👑 Lord and Savior has promised leading us to the 💜 of our Father in Heaven .. until then we are to endure wearing the full armor of God to withstand the wiles of the devil .. May we all stand together in Grace and Truth .. 🙏
Adam on
No interpretation with tongues is DEAD AND USELESS for The Holy Bible specifically states it in
1 Corinthians 14:26-28 KJV
26 … interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying. 27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. 28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God. …Be careful with God’s Holy Word and context for it’s nothing to be watering down and confusing others. May God Bless you! 🙏🇺🇸
Jr on
I think all the churches are money driven where is the Holy Spirit in my life? I go to church a lot i feel nothing and people in church all they do is judge n the leaders bug n bug for cash ..dont tell me they havd the Holy spirit..i have sister who talks in toungs but is so wierd and all she does is steal and lie about everything .she like all church goers are full of shit ..i tried the catholic church n people their are so cold none have the holy spirit becuz they have no love no joy they beleive in the eucharist is jesus so do i but none ever open a bible they know nothing about christ beyond the bread sacrament im sorry but their not full of the Holy Spirit but full of bread .none in the catholic church know jesus im catolic n i see how rude n unholy all the catholics are.im sorry
john adebayo on
The teaching is awesome. I enjoy it. Holy Spirit loves to communicate us Everytime if we are ready to listen to Him. He has SOLUTION to all our problems. Amen
Praise the lord.i am a christian and am pasding through difficult time.sometimes to get foid is a challenge.i want to join university but am financially unable.somebody to assist
Thoko Mbuli on
I’m so blessed to read 5 signs of Holy Spirit in me, since the are lot’s of false prophets in our days…Amen…
James Morris on
Know the laws of God even old and new obey all them. Exercise by doing them. Start speaking tongues now on your own slowly. The spirit let me see him by a white face which is rare. My baptizem was to put God’s spirit in me and looked like spiritual water moving threw me with no tongues no sound no feeling right away ,just felt knowledge afterward but didn’t know what I knew but felt smart by talking to two people and hearing them both and speaking to them at the same time,its awesome now I speak at any time, when I pray I speak tongues but in my mind I’m talking to God what I’m saying so evil don’t know what I’m saying to be more safe. Jesus said where there’s good there’s evil don’t forget this it’s important to help us ,like my friend lives in a haunted house evil events happen so I wanted to be safe to preach the word of God so instead of fighting it ,I ask in supplication with prayer always that the good there be made 100 times stronger . Now when I go there I get good info about how real and great news to myself and great changes happen for me by knowledge. I never had a ghost touch me before and gently shake me awake. The ones who have the spirit in them have nothing to fear like me. Yes people just hearkin unto the lord everyday never do it any less each day always walk talk Christ like,think of God constantly in your mind ,make a new song and sing to him in praise,love him by doing your free will in rightiousness acts and see what happens I dare everyone,watch what happens and tell your miracles by next year. Don’t expect any reward just do it. Yes I’m very poor more than most but I will give and go twain if asked. Read Matthew Christ words and 1st John Jesus word. This answers everyone’s questions I think. Now let’s hear those miracles. God protect us all who love you. He’s choosing now all that’s his ,do this stand up and be chosen before the end comes now.pray in private. God bless all who read and do. I the believer say this,hint hint you will become a real believer also. Holy Holy Holy is the God who sits on the throne, creator of all things. Amen
James Morris on
I know I like telling the miracles that I’ve had with the holy ghost in me always and growing stronger all the time. People now days think I’m crazy and lie against me but it makes me smile cause Jesus said the more they lie against you and hate you the more your blessed. Anyone who has seen Jesus the Holy Ghost And God or any one which I’ve seen all three we are all blessed so watch what you say unbelievers, you could be talking about a blessed one of God’s. All the ones with the spirit in them let’s all bless the united states with a blessing of protection cause I am feeling scared for all our safety from Russia. Bless this land Lord and protect us all with your will to be done. Help Amen
Tammy Crawford on
Thanks for the scriptures
Ntombifuthi Makhanya on
I love this article, this is what I am praying Ang working for to allow God Jesus Christ to take control of my heart and mind. I believe we need to always search ourselves if we still doing what God wants us to do through the Holy Spirit. Lastly, please pray for me to have breakthrough I am suffering financially with my family. Thank you in Jesus Christ’s name Amen
Ignatius silveira on
I’m really always being blessed by the message of truth. Thank you for all the effort you angels put in inorder to spread the true message of God. May the merciful God give you the strength & grace required to carry out his will.
Gewandra Smith on
@Monnie McMichael, that is the same way I received the evidence of speaking in tongues, I asked several times. When I did receive it, I was not looking for it that day as I sat before my television in the living room. I felt a presence coming towards me from behind, it was apparent, but not scary, immediately I began to speaking in all languages like fire shut up in my bones!!! I was so ecstatic!! I could sense God telling me, “Welcome to my table!” I visioned the table filled with fruits, bread, and lamb; it was incredible!!! Thank you for commenting, your comment brought back a precious memory!
Denise Streeter on
Thank you for this article! I am blessed by your clarity in more than one way to have evidence that one is filled with the Holy Spirit! I suggest adding Acts 1:8 to the evidence as Jesus said that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us and we will be His witnesses in Judea, etc to the ends of the earth. That Scripture tells me that sharing the Gospel is another evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. We really are blessed to be a blessing to others. Thank you again, Denise
joseph on
Never lose your faith,without faith in god ,its like a tree with no branches.
Monnie McMichael on
On August 19 1988 I went to pray outside. Seem like I prayed for hours for God to give me the Holy Spirit. Finally God gave the Holy Spirit to me. I could speak in tongues. I was made anew. I had tried to pray in the spirit so many times. A person just can’t speak
in tongues on their on. The gift comes from God. I love the Holy Spirit. A person must pray and pray to get this precious gift. I could keep on talking about the Holy Spirit. I love all of yall..Jesus loves all of yall. -
Faye Saunders on
Do we need the Holy Ghost/Spirit to go to heaven?? Scripture please 📖
I would like to follow you teaching