How to Strengthen Your Faith?

Different people tell different stories on how, at some point in life, they separated from God due to a few reasons.
Let us take an example; maybe you are a teenager who always adores God by following his commandments and doing communal activities to build your relationship with Him. Besides, you also like praying consistently to the extent of feeling His presence right beside you.
Nonetheless, you meet a boy/girl whom you fall in love with, and you start being closer to him/her more than to God. You devote yourself more to social media than reading his word.
You may also fail to say something to Him through prayer when you fall asleep.
1) How to Strengthen Your Faith?
When things begin going wrong in your life, you then realize how you deviated from God and feel sorrowful to go back to Him. You wish to go back to the way things were in the beginning, but you find that impossible.
Most of us do end up developing frustrations and depression because we did not control the things that made us deviate from God, and are afraid to go back to Him to ask for forgiveness.
However, that is not the way out. God is always near us, and we can describe him as our closest friend. While that may be true, you may also feel that he seem to be a little bit far from you.
If that is the case, follow the discussion below to make your faith stronger.
2) Rely On Truth
What we feel does not relate to truth. We find this revelation from John in Psalms 22. As the chapter begins, John cries to God for forsaking him and being far from him. Afterward, he acknowledges Him as holy.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, but I find no rest"
Psalm 22
John is helping us to understand that God reigns in two significant truths; he is righteous and faithful because he delivers people.
God is omnipresent; you can find him anywhere, even when you feel he is not near you. Sometimes, his holiness makes you not fit to be close to him at that moment. God will never judge you if you return to him.
Romans 8 says that there is no condemnation in Jesus. Despite our sins, when we return to God, He will always welcome us warmly. Make the bible your close friend because, from God's word, we find the truth.
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death..."
Romans 8
3) Talk to Him; He Wants to Know You
The scripture says that Jesus is the way, truth, and life; no one can reach the Father except through him.
It also adds that you can choose to turn your sins to Jesus and ask him for repentance and let him come into your life as your Lord and savior.
Most of the time, we fail to figure a thing out because we lack facts. However, the words above remind us that we should repent. God will forgive us if we ask him to do so.
Sin is one of the things that drive Christians away from God, but if we talk to him through prayer, he will listen to us and grant us our wishes.
4) Go to Him in Prayer
From the experiences in our daily lives, failing to communicate with someone makes us distant from each other. The same applies to God. The only strategy to make you reconnect with Him is to set time aside for him.
Jesus motivates us to do so when he went to a desert, a place that was far away from distractions. He went to the garden of Gethsemane, where he did his prayers.
As a Christian, figure out the best time for prayer and locate a friendly place where you can communicate with God peacefully. Begin by confessing things in your heart, and then ask him to replace your thoughts and feelings with truth in the scripture.
Go ahead and show gratitude. Finish by cleansing yourself through repentance.
Some of us have trouble focusing and concentrating while praying. In such a situation, write your prayers instead.
Ask God to assist you to break any mental blocks in you so that you may find the strength to communicate with him freely.
5) Listen to Spiritual Music
At times, everything that you try to feel God's presence again may fail, for example, finding it difficult to pray or to read his word.
Have you tried listening to worship songs ? They help in rejuvenating your spirit.
Try to find your best spiritual music, close your eyes, and pray to God to help you embrace the lyrics. Most artists express their feelings and moments with God through songs, and through them, you may find a way of feeling God's presence once more.
6) Get to the Root of the Problem
When we fall sick, the symptoms of the disease begin to show first. Meaning that, when you start seeing that God is not near you, the root of your problem is your heart.
For example, if you feel you have neglected God's word, it is because of fear and shame that comes from your heart.
Jeremiah says that of all the things, the human heart is the most deceitful. What degrades us is not what goes into our bodies, but rather, what comes from our hearts.
In Proverbs, God tells us to protect our hearts above everything because their condition determines the courses in our lives. Therefore, listen to your heart more for you to have Christ in you.
6) Read Devotions
It may be hard to read the bible for motivations, especially during dry seasons of your faith. However, you still have to keep Him close to you. You can achieve that by going through short devotions frequently, and through that, you will get into a communion with Him.
As a daily motivation, keep in mind that the fact that we are under God's care does not imply that we will not undergo storms. However, he will give us strength and protection in battles we go through.
God says in Colossians that he will strengthen us with his high power so that we will not admit defeat when problems arise, but rather be patient in Him.
Read next: The Season Of Waiting Upon The Lord. Most of us have high expectations in life, and we usually expect God to help us to fulfill all of them. However, at times, things may not happen the way we hope, and we often end up questioning God in many different ways.