The Season of Waiting Upon The Lord

Most of us have high expectations in life, and we usually expect God to help us to fulfill all of them.
However, at times, things may not happen the way we hope, and we often end up questioning God in many different ways.
If you understand your relationship with God, you will appreciate the fruit of being patient, because God's timing is the best.
He may be allowing you to undergo a particular situation so that you may learn how to survive through some storms of life, which will force you to depend on him only.
Waiting Upon the Lord
Waiting does not necessarily mean that you have to sit somewhere, at a tranquil place, trying to meditate as you expect God to answer your prayers.
Waiting upon the Lord means binding with him as you draw yourself closer to him.
The book of Hebrews talks about renewal of strength as you wait upon God. From one of his parables, Jesus stresses the benefits of binding with God.
He says that he is the vine while we are the branches and if we remain in him, while he dwells in us, we will bear fruits. This teaching enlightens us that we bind with God through the branches, and that is where he renews our strength.
“What God uses to shape us often lies in the in-between. It’s the uncertain times or roadblocks and obstacles which forces us to depend on God wholeheartedly, it forces us to become better people.
Many of us find ourselves living somewhere in the in-between. Learning to live in this tension, to be content in these moments of waiting, may be our greatest struggle and our greatest opportunity to grow.”
- Jeff Goin
Faith on the Trial of Waiting
God can respond to our prayers in three different ways; he may say yes, no, or wait. However, waiting for something that you expect to happen soon can be a little bit overwhelming.
Change is a gradual process, which is why; we need to ask ourselves, are we going to wait upon him in the right or the wrong way?
While you wait for God’s time, you may go through some temptations, for instance, losing your job, friends, falling sick, and even lacking food. In such moments, you may start feeling as if God has abandoned you, which is why he is allowing you to suffer. That is not the case.
The most important thing to consider is your faith in God. From the story of Job, we learn that even though he lost all his money, livestock, family, and possessions, he prayed to God persistently because he knew that after the temptation, he would come out victorious.
Bringing your trust in God does not mean that you have to know everything concerning how He is going to help you. He will always do everything that you ask; He is never late nor early either. He knows that it is challenging to wait, but He still allows us to go through the trial, so that we may strengthen our trust in him.
Abraham and Sarah got their first child while they were aged. That incident teaches us that the plans that God has for us do not need our approval nor can run on our schedule. Remember that every wilderness that God takes you through will finally lead you to a promised land.
We human beings are always full but never satisfied. Our souls, on the other hand, are still thirsty, but never quenched. We should, therefore, ask God to restore us to places where our hearts will be concerned about him only.
What Should We Effect When We Feel Dismayed?
We are the underlying cause of our discouragements in life. We often set our eyes horizontally instead of that vertically. Focusing on the flat side means that you allow earthily things to distract you.
For instance, allowing what people say about you influence you, focusing more on your needs, wants, demands, and expectations, which will eventually become a frustration.
When we set our eyes vertically upon the Lord, nothing will lower our expectations, hence getting rid of discouragements. The bible says that we should look unto Jesus and consider him, for through bringing our life before God brings encouragement.
When you experience some of these discouragements, be optimistic, and focus on the good things in life. Avoid listing things that trouble you, but rather, think of lovely ones. Go before the Lord in prayer, seek for his kingdom for you will find it, and knock for him to make entries for you.
Besides, rejoice and thank him regularly, because that is His will for you. In Mathew, God calls all who are in labor to go to him, and he will give them rest. Psalms also tell us that God heals the brokenhearted.
We should, therefore, cast all our burdens to him without fear for he is with us, and he is our God; He will strengthen us and uphold us. God knows the plans that he has for us, plans that will make us prosper and not fail, and to give us a future that we always hope.
Reconnect and Strengthen your Relationship with God
God is our today’s strength and hope for tomorrow, which is why; we should stay close to him at all times through the following ways:
Dedicate yourself to Him
Even though you have a tight weekly schedule, try to spare a few moments to communicate with God. You can do that by reading his word.
The bible will always give you answers that you are consistently looking for. Besides, try to meditate and listen to what God is telling you.
Show gratitude
We are usually quick to ask God for blessings in life, but when we receive them, we fail to thank him. Always be grateful for your free life, air, health, and wealth, among other things.
"I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell you of your wonders”
Psalm 9:1
In Colossians 1:12, the word tells us to give thanks to God, who has certified us to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the dominion of light.
The book of Hebrews also tells that because we are receiving a kingdom that nothing can shake, we should be thankful.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever”
Chronicles 16:34
Pray without ceasing
Prayer is a medium of communication between human beings and God. It helps to draw Christians closer to God through spending quality time with him.
Prayer helps us to know the heart and mind of God; for example, we experience the need of forgiving others because he softens our hearts to do so. Jesus also asks us to pray so that we may be able to overcome temptations.
“Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray, Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise”
James 5:13
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer"
Romans 12:12
Read next: As Christians, we should use God's word to bring us joy, comfort, and motivation, so that we do not withdraw our attention from God.
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